Maximizing Impact in Multifamily

We believe that we can leverage our operations, supply chain and business model to create positive impact. New ESG initiatives are evaluated based upon their materiality, return on investment, alignment with core company values and our global citizenship priorities. We strive to move the needle forward towards the Sustainable Development Goals where we believe we can create the most impact; quality educational experiences and job opportunities for all, innovation in the built environment and responsible use of resources.


Minimizing Our Resource Footprint

As a national construction company, it is our responsibility to reduce our carbon footprint with an economically efficient conservation program. At Redwood Construction, sustainability is not just a means to an end but an ongoing practice that is constantly changing as technology advances. We have been able to achieve substantial water savings by replacing toilets, shower heads, faucets and water-intensive landscaping. We have been able to increase energy efficiency by updating light fixtures and installing solar screens, motion sensor lighting and Energy Star appliances. We are currently expanding our efforts to include solar energy projects, electric vehicle charging stations and HVAC efficiency retrofits.

We have completed the following sustainable measures and replacements:

43K+ low-flow toilets
66K+ low-flow shower heads
83K+ faucet aerators
1B+ gallons of water
37M+ kilowatt hours
295 properties


Nationwide Employee Volunteer Programs

Through annual partnerships with reputable non-profit organizations, community fundraising, paid time off for elective volunteer work and company sponsored events, our goal is to make a real difference in every city and neighborhood that our residents calls home.

Our Annual Goal

8,000 Volunteer Hours


Redwood + Equity + Diversity + Inclusion = Success

Our Employee Experience Team and Talent Acquisition Team is committed to cultivating a work environment that represents Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in every aspect of what we do! To accomplish these goals with the highest standards in place, we are focused on a few key initiatives:

inclusive culture
developing talent
community outreach

Creating an Inclusive Culture for our Teams. Our Employee Experience Team is committed to fostering a sense of support, purpose and belonging for all team members.

Engaging and Developing Talent. We promote and assist with continuous learning, growth and advancement opportunities by providing a robust training platform.

Community Outreach and Involvement. We believe in creating more visibility and resources for underrepresented individuals in the multifamily industry.

Tuition Relief For Team Members & Dependents

Our Scholarship Program is committed to providing educational opportunities and tuition relief, with an emphasis on assisting high-achieving first generation college students and high school seniors. Scholarships are awarded to qualifying team members and their dependents seeking to complete their degree at accredited two or four-year colleges or universities.

Construction Management Internship Program

We are committed to promoting Construction Management as a rewarding career-path for college graduates and reaching first generation college students by hiring Interns from all over the country. Our Construction Management Internship Program is a site based, interactive experience, where college students work directly with seasoned Project Managers to successfully complete multifamily renovations. Send all inquiries here regarding our program.